Life Experience Series Podcast 7
Life Experience Series Audioblog Life Experience Series 7 The redundancy of art - "Art is useless" and yet, everyone wants it Blogpost Life Experience Series 7 Zen Chan's Blog Visit…
Life Experience Series Audioblog Life Experience Series 7 The redundancy of art - "Art is useless" and yet, everyone wants it Blogpost Life Experience Series 7 Zen Chan's Blog Visit…
"Living in a purely functional world would lack meaning for us as human beings. We need to express ourselves through art and we need to surround ourselves with the expressions of others." - Lesli Walsh People want to consume art, whether it be movies, paintings, photographs, games, music or other things. Instagram is full of art, free to look at, free to watch, free to listen to, free to share and for everyone that is a matter of course.
First, what I've been up to I actually was not intending to take a break from my blog, but somehow it seems like I did, because the last time I posted was almost a year ago, last April to be exact. I think this is the most inactive I have ever been on my blog.
The things you say to me, affect me more than you think I worked in the supermarket until the evening and tried to produce art after that, but I just couldn't. I felt useless, the praise I usually got from other people in school before was now completely meaningless,