The Other Sides Of A Year Abroad
You might have noticed, that I’ve been neglecting my blog quite a lot since the last update. There has been a lot on my mind, however I didn’t feel like writing it down, yet, because I felt the need to process it first. I usually like to put some distance between myself and the things I would like to write about, because it allows me to look at things from another perspective, where I won’t let myself be consumed with too much emotion, which would be the case if I was still too close.
If you haven’t noticed through my former blog posts already, here I am, telling you once again that I’m a really introverted person and sometimes I think that I do have some minor case of social anxiety. After finding people who I became friends with so fast after entering university, I kind of thought that I was miraculously cured. At that point I didn’t even think about this concept called ‘social anxiety’. I have always been aware of the fact that …
This is going to be a very long blog post and you will need some time to get through it. I knew since I was writing the first part that I would like to talk about this topic. However, it was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I was thinking about it a lot, but avoided writing it down, because I just didn’t know where to start and how to do it. I don’t think it’s easy admitting to yourself, let alone to someone else, that you feel lonely.